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Cockroach Pest Insect
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Disease & Pest Control

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When Aphids Take Over

There are many different species of Aphids (Aphis sp.) that are pests of horticultural crops and landscape plants.

Aphid control can be challenging when using contact insecticides if thorough coverage of the plant and the pest is not achieved. Proper spray volume, pressure, and the use of a spray adjuvant can improve results.

The onion, the potato, the tobacco or the cotton seedling thrips - Thrips tabaci (order Thysanoptera). It is important pest of many plants. Extreme magnification.

Get Thrips Under Control

Thrips are minute insects that have an elongated body shape. Adults have fringed wings while the immature stages are wingless, off white to translucent in color, 1/20 inch long.

Chemical control is challenging due to larvae deep inside buds being protected from insecticide sprays. Practicing resistance management is vitally important with this pest due to rapid life cycles and the potential of resistance development to overused control agents. Avoid resistance by rotating across the mode of action groups (MOA’s).

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Cockroach Pest Insect

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Fungal disease powdery mildew on a tomato leaf. White plaque on leaves. Close up.
Aphid Plant Lice, Greenflies, Blackflies or Whiteflies

Aphid control can be challenging when using contact insecticides if thorough coverage of the plant and the pest is not achieved.

Botrytis cinerea also known as Grey Mold is a common fungus that causes disease on twigs, leaves, blossoms, and fruit in areas with prolonged wet and cool conditions.

Growers can benefit by using systemic or translam-inar insecticides when good spray coverage is difficult.

One way to control Downy Mildew is to eliminate moisture and humidity around the affected plants.

All species of Powdery Mildew are in the order Erysiphales. Podosphaera xanthii is the most common species found. Powdery Mildews require live plant tissue to grow and reproduce.

Pythium infects a wide host range and is more common in the greenhouse. Phytophthora is less common in the greenhouse and more common in the nursery and is more host-specific.

Spider Mites are not insects but tiny Arachnids that include Twospotted, European red, Southern red, Spruce spider mites, and others. Some species thrive in cooler temperatures while others are more active in the warm season.

Trips cause stippling, scarring, silvering of the leaf surface, distorted leaves, and corky lesions on fruits by piercing leaves with one mouthpart and sucking the plant fluids through a stylet.

By utilizing a combination of conventional chemistries along with Bio-rationals and Biological Control Agents (BCAs) you can ensure that you greenhouse experiences minimal spikes of whitefly infestations.

Foggers can be very effective as a preventative tool, they are easy to use and because of the time savings they get used more regularly.

fogging solutions - coming soon!

Similar to fogging equipment, there are different kinds of fogging solutions that can be used for different purposes and even ones that can multi task.

Lean on our experts

to help navigate the optimal growing conditions this season!

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Pests on the leaves of currant.
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